Detective agency

Detective agency in Kiev, Ukraine private detective.

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Detective agency in Kiev, Ukraine private detective. Today, faced an urgent need for legislative regulation of the activities of the detective agency and private detectives in Ukraine.

Rising crime and law enforcement workload (per investigator in Kiev have to order 300 of the criminal proceedings) does not give the State in full to deal with such negative phenomena as theft, fraud, car theft, etc.

Part of the problem can be solved if the legislation to legalize the interaction of law enforcement agencies and private detectives (Detective Agency) endowing the latter rights and responsibilities to assist in the detection and investigation of crimes.

As well as provide an opportunity for the private detectives activity in the service sector, is not within the competence of law enforcement:
Detective agency in Kiev, a private detective Ukraine is not a new phenomenon for our country, despite the fact that the issue of legislative regulation of activity for many years is under consideration in the Verkhovna Rada, private detectives, found the opportunity to do work in the legal field by registering themselves as private entrepreneurs with Oued private investigator or security firms, bar associations and journalists providing services on the basis of everything that is not forbidden by the law directly.

It also remains unresolved the question of cooperation at the international level with detective agencies and private detectives foreign governments to investigate crimes and search of persons hiding from the investigation on the territory of other states.

In recent years, around the world there is, sadly, a significant increase in crime, which causes natural concern to all organs, leading to her struggle.

In particular, in the final document, signed by members of the United Nations Committee on Crime Prevention, said: “There was a time when the patient is no longer a virtue, when good intentions not enough when a human tragedy becomes so deep that honest people should either find effective measures to combat crime or lose respect for themselves. “The decision to legally issue of international cooperation opens the possibility of an effective fight against crime, without bureaucratic obstacles.

If you are looking for a detective agency in Kiev, Ukraine private detective write or call us.
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